Thursday, March 27, 2008

Man, I cannot believe it has been four days since my last post on here. Does not feel that long, I can say that.
I guess I haven't had too much to say.

I have something to say now, though.
This is my album review of the new Counting Crows album, "Saturday Nights and Sunday Mornings".
Of course, this review will be bias since I am a big fan of this band. I have been waiting for a new studio album to be released by them for almost six years.
That is a LOOOOOOOONG time!

I have to say it was worth the wait.
The concept of the album is pretty simple and also works well with how it was produced. The first half of the album is Saturday Nights. Now Saturday Nights is meant to be a more harsh, abrasive album with more of an electric sound and self indulgent lyrics. Of course, done perfectly in my opinion.
With songs like "Hanging Tree" which is about a life that is full of debauchery has done nothing but provided a noose around a proverbial tree for the subject to hang for his sins.
Then there is "Los Angeles" which gives the feel of a man that is loving the L.A. life style with all the sinful acts that have been done and have been witnessed. And, apparently, L.A. is a good place to find a taco. (As stated at the end of the song)
The best, and probably the most fitting, is a song "Cowboys" that reminds me of nothing less than old school Counting Crows with such spiteful lyrics filled with hate, but yet with no regrets. I could be wrong, but somehow I get the idea the song was written about more than a life of debauchery, but also about the present state the U.S. is in.
Now, Sunday Mornings is a more mellow, dramatic sounding part of the album with regretful lyrics.
With songs like "When I Dream Of Michelangelo" and "On A Tuesday In Amsterdam Long Ago", you get the feeling of pure hatred sprinkled with regret for the lifestyle that is wanted but still taking a toll on the soul.
But, the last song on the album is a more uptempo song called "Come Around" which, to me, seems to say that with all that is regretted about the night before, you will still find me here next week continuing the cycle.
Adam Duritz, the lead singer of the Crows, writes the lyrics of all the songs. Once again, he has portrayed the feeling in each of his songs that of which was intended.
If we were rating the album on a five star basis, I would definitely give this album four and a half stars. I would have to shy from a total five star album for the reason that their first two albums, "August And Everything After" and "Recovering The Satellites", were outstanding albums that could never be outdone. Yet, with their best work behind them, they never disappoint and once again delivered a must buy album that is nothing less than spectacular.


Angela said...

Nah, not biased at all...

Romeo Morningwood said...

Good for you...Counting Crows eh.
Music is a very personal experience and I am delighted that you have found such insights in their new album.

You are officially their BIGGEST fan and they should be swamping you with freebies for this glowing review.