Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Is Time the Creation of the Devil?

I was watching television one night with a lot of thoughts running through my head about stories or poems to write. While channel surfing I stopped on a show that was airing on Discovery about demons and the people that are possessed by them. It kind of sounds like a daytime talk show theme to me.
"Next on Jerry Springer, we will meet the people who say they are being stalked by their former demons and are here to say ENOUGH!"
As much as the idea of being possessed scares me and literally makes my skin crawl, I could not stop watching. But as I watched I began to think about the mere idea of possession.
Being possessed appears to be a gruesome ordeal for the ones possessed. It doesn't seem to be a pleasant experience for the devil doing the possessing either. I mean, all the crosses being shown and the Holy Water being tossed around like a water fight between kids I think would make the devil think twice about another possessing of a human.
Does the exorcism only make the devil weak for that moment while he is trying to be drawn out of the body? Or does the devil become weaker throughout his life with each exorcism performed to where we will see a point that the devil will become so weak he will not be a factor in our lives anymore?
Does returning to the flaming pits of hell restrengthen his powers? I guess for that, time will only tell.
I was also thinking and wondering if being possessed is really the truth. I mean, can it really happen? For as much and as many people that have stories about being possessed on these indepth documentaries, I feel we would know at least one person or be associated with someone who knows somebody who has been possessed. Maybe being possessed is just another excuse for being an absolutely evil and horrible person.
People who suffer from possession are never said to be out killing or robbing, those jobs are saved for the clinically insane. Possessed people are spewing vomit from their mouths and speaking in tongues. Kind of like a drunk person. And, if a drunk person tried hard enough, I am sure they could get their head to spin.
People who claim to be possessed usually talk badly to their family and friends, they have no manners at the dinner table, and from the videos I have seen, they seem to have these weird twitches to where they can not keep their heads in a straight forward position.
Unlike the movies, I didn't see these real life possessee's or hear them talk about their faces turning green or their eyes turning red. They seemed to have kept their normal appearances with the exception of unexplained crude behaviors.
Love and faith is what is said to keep the devil away. You know what? Love and faith is all that is needed to do pretty much anything.
Love can conquer all, and I do believe that. Faith can do the same. It does not necessarily have to be a faith in a god or religion, but a faith in anything or anyone you firmly believe in.
So I am left to wonder, is being possessed an excuse used to excuse crude and unnatural behaviors much like insanity is used to excuse crime sprees? Or, is being possessed the answer and the proof for the existence of Heaven and Hell?


Unknown said...

I think that people can always be demonized: whenever they lie, whenever they cheat, whenever they do something that goes against their heart. Don't live up to your hopes and dreams and you will feel possessed. Just let all those dreams go down the tubes and you have lost sight of the future - making you feel possessed. Give up your true self to whatever and you are not acting as yourself, you are possessed by demons of your own making.

Frank said...

Exactly my point. It is a world of excuses. For some reason we do not like to own up to our downfalls, so we blame it on some disease or unexplainable occurence. Pretty soon this society is going to be medicated beyond belief for diseases we used to chalk up to normal happenings. Now we have medication for something as absurd as talking too much. They may call it restless lip syndrome. There is always a cop out for just being a bad person.
(not that talking too much is being a bad person)