Friday, September 7, 2007

Are You Queer Or Gay?

I just had to delete a comment by an anonymous commenter who had used the word queer. Why is it when there are situations we do not understand the first word to describe it is gay or queer?
I firmly believe these words are used because we can not relate to a situation we do not understand with anything else besides homosexuality. We do not have any good reasons why gays and lesbians shouldn't exist besides false interpretations of the Bible or the Qua'an or the sacred Torah or whichever method of prayer one chooses.
I have been through twelve grueling years of catholic schooling and no where in it does it say that homosexuality is wrong. It does touch on the union of a woman and a man, but in the United States of America we have a constitutional right to bear arms. Do we? No, I believe it is against the law.
We also have a freedom of religion. Well, yeah we do, in a sense, but in this day and age if you are Muslim you are automatically ridiculed and thought to be associated with the extremists that are said to be terrorizing our country.
My point is that laws and thoughts change with the time. The thought of the citizens of the USA bearing arms is silly because it is not needed for the reason that when the law was made people were living in the wild with the animals and predators that could have caused harm. So, a gun was essential to stay alive and stave off an attack from unwanted predators.
Well, then I have to say, if the only reason that is used to condemn homosexuality is the writings in our book of prayers, which were written over a thousand years ago, isn't it time to update the thinking just like we are updating the laws written only a mere two-hundred-thirty years ago?
The world is full of things we will never understand. For example, why are we here? How did we, as a human race, come about and begin life?
So when are we going to learn that the solution is not to hate what we don't understand but to try and accept it and gain a knowledge of it?
Or, when you read something that you may not agree with, instead of saying that is "gay" or "queer", maybe you should say that is "human".
Gay is happiness, which is what most of us strive for. Queers definition is "of a questionable nature or character; suspicious; shady". Now a homosexuals nature is never suspicious, we all know what they are about and I can not think of anything that they do as being shady.
Now, with all that said, and my soul a little eased from that comment I found, I have to say that being different is never a bad thing. Difference is what created all the things we hold dear to our everyday life.
But here is the really awesome thing, being homosexual is NOT being different. It is being who that person is.
If one person can not accept that, then they are the cancer of this world. We do not need anymore reasons for hatred than we already have.
It is a whole world under God. If a murderer, rapist or pedophile can find their sad lives abiding in heaven when they die, then I am sure a gay man or a lesbian woman will not find any obstacles themselves.

1 comment:

Romeo Morningwood said...

Oddly enough I often get curious homosexual men checking out my blog. With a title like homo escapeons I suppose that is to be expected.

I blame this on the insistance of our modern day educators who have devalued the importance of a traditional curriculum that would of course entail the teaching of the deceased language known as Latin.

That being said and despite being a raging heterosexual, I, like many others, have gay and lesbian friends.

There are many blogs that I visit where homosexual men bandy about all of the derogatory terms for their ilk and they do so with relish and aplomb. I find this to be most entertaining and emancipating because I detest having words hijacked by political correctness which I think will be the death of us all.

The golden rule of course is a double standard that fervently states that if you are indeed a _______, then you can use the term _______, or _______, and nobody is offended.

The USA is a swirling vortex of dichotomies. A bipolarized monstrosity that never ceases to amaze the rest of the world and especially those of us living above the 49th parallel. While we marvel at the great progress that has been manifest in the US ofA, we wince from time to time by those who choose to remain ignorant sons of bitches.

The Right to Bear Arms is of course an antiquated notion as I can assure you that King George is dead and not coming back.