Saturday, October 20, 2007

Happy Sweetest Day!!

Well, here it is once again. That third Saturday in October where all the men go crazy at the last minute purchasing flowers, candies, cards, or whatever they feel would make a great gift for their significant other.
Just like every other holiday that has undertones of love and happiness, guys do not remember about Sweetest Day until that day is upon us.
I got off easy this year. I was reminded the day before.
A whole night of planning paid off as I surprised my girlfriend with roses when she came home with a card expressing my feelings.
Such the romantic, I know.
Being that this was the first Sweetest Day in the three years we have been together that I actually found myself purchasing a gift, I became interested and decided to research the origins of this holiday, for I was certain it was started by a woman who needed more attention from her man.
To my surprise, it was actually a gentleman named Herbert Birch Kingston who hailed from Ohio, Cleveland to be exact, that started this late year incongruity. I read on though, feeling disappointed that a fellow man let us down by starting yet another holiday which is easily forgotten, but when is forgotten only has treacherous circumstances.
But, the holiday apparently has been blown way out of proportion for the reason that Mr. Kingston was an employee for a candy store, so, he thought it to be nice to bring candies to orphans, shut-ins, and others that he knew have been forgotten just so he could shed a little happiness unto their lives.
What I have also found out, is that Sweetest Day is primarily celebrated in the Great Lakes region of the U.S.A. with the state of Illinois being third in sales for gifts on Sweetest Day.
How lucky am I?
Thank God, though, people are moving from the Midwest throughout this country and carrying the tradition of Sweetest Day with them so men of all ages and all locations can wallow in the pity of their significant others faces when love has been forgotten for the second time this year!


Anonymous said...

i am interested in the gift that you bought. what was it?

Frank said...

I said in there what I bought. I just got a dozen roses and a card. I am a traditionalist.

Romeo Morningwood said...

That is very sweet but I suspect that Mr. Herbert Birch Kingston figured out that it was too frickin' COLD to go out in the Great Lakes area on February 14th!

If you can wait until the 31st, Hallo Weenie is usually a good night for getting a little action and the candy is free!

lee said...

The sweetest day?I've never heard of that before. Are you sure that you didn't just make that up? :).

Romeo Morningwood said...

Where you at?