Friday, October 19, 2007

Wishing For Anything

A nice compact four letter word that holds too much meaning, like a lot of four letter words used day in and day out.
But wish, just sit back and think about it for a moment and ponder the thoughts that come into your mind as you whisper the word to yourself over and over.
I know for me it reminds me of my dreams, my hopes, my downfalls and all that I do not have as of yet or will never have.
Talk about a whirlwind of emotions.
Happiness strikes as the thoughts first creep into the front of your mind, but as the thoughts unfurl you are only left with the thought that you do not have what you really want or believe you should have. Therefore, a calm, soothing depression settles firmly and the rest of your day is spent trying to shake the cold hard facts of what you believe is a meaningless existence of failure.

Wishes are so powerful when denied. I believe that we as humans are so strong in many aspects of our lives with one not being our wants or our needs. It is so difficult to live unfulfilled. We seem to constantly take for granted what we do have and throw all the love or possessions out that proverbial window and focus only on what we do not have.
It comes down to this, simply put, the haves and the have nots.

I have this, but it just does not seem to make up for the fact that I do not have that.
I want that so badly I can almost taste it.

Taste what?
After many years of wanting and needing everything I didn't have, I have come to a realization that I am still trying to adhere to. Being alive and witnessing the beauty of this world and also witnessing all of the harrowing events of this world is better than wanting something that apparently is not needed because if it was, it would have been had to begin with.

Did that make any sense?
After I wrote that I am now thinking about the down-trodden. Those people that are out there that try so hard to catch a break that will help them live comfortably but those breaks just run too fast and slip right out of their arms.
Is what they have all that was meant for them to have?

This world is becoming more and more money orientated to the point where the oppressed just do not have a chance to climb from that barrel of monkey's and live with the big dogs for a while.
There is a lot of chatter floating around from the mouths of our representatives saying how much they care and want to help the less fortunate who only have time to wish for necessary luxuries of life like heat in the winter, air conditioning in the summer, or water that can be had from the faucet that sits rusty atop a sink to give an appearance of domestication.
They first woman speaker of the house, Ms. Nancy Pelosi can talk mindlessly all she wants about how much she cares and will do whatever she is able to to help stop the Bush administration from helping the rich get richer.
Are we to believe that she is scrupulous?
I know one thing if I know anything. Never trust a rich person who is saying they are willing to not become any richer than what they are already. AND, never trust a rich person that is saying they are willing to pay higher taxes and believe the classes should be balanced and more equal.
I have my doubts Nancy, somehow I just can't find myself believing you.
I WISH I could.

But I digress.
I believe we should have dreams that we can aspire to achieve. Dreams are healthy because it makes a person work hard to achieve these goals.
Wishing is so much different a lot of the time. It seems to always be a wish for the unachievable where there is little or no work put forth in achieving this wish; just a kind of hope that this wish will be granted with a magic wand.

My lap has still not had any of that millions of dollars fall into it.
I am still wishing though.

But I do not get depressed.
I do not believe it is worth a headache thinking about everything I don't have that I wish I did.
Who knows, maybe the reason I am not rich or the fact that I am balding is because my life would be much more difficult if I did have these things.

Now that should make you feel better.

I am a firm believer in fate. Everything happens for a reason.
If you are meant for something than that something will be yours.
Now here is my twist on it though.
I still believe that even though you are destined for a dream or a wish, without the proper time and work involved it shall not be yours.
Hence, not living your life to its potential.

But, for right now, I am only going to focus on potential of that timer going off in a couple minutes because I am about to make my wish for a pizza come true.

MMMMM, pizza!!

Oh! There goes that beautiful buzz of the timer.


I want to end with a quote from an article I read online from "There Lariat" distributed by Baylor University. I do not want to infringe on any copyright laws, but this does seem suitable for this rambling blog.

What if God wishes that things could be otherwise and someday will make all things perfect?

Just something to think about when your wishes turn to prayers of greed.


Anonymous said...

a person has to keep wishing - follow those inner cries of the soul for something - something - who knows what. one should never stop listening to those inner cries - those that keep us seeking who we really are - those that allow us to keep growing even when we are past 60. so keep wishing - keep following those needs and cries of making yourself a better person.

enough about the balding - you are only thinning.

Frank said...

Does wishing make you a better person? Or is that experience? Wishing leaves us disappointed, maybe disappointment keeps us grounded but I don't believe it is becoming a better person.

Angela said...

"Disappointments have little to do with circumstance and everything to do with perspective." -- TUT :